How To Tame Your Fall Allergies

iStock-854418298_small.jpgIt's official, Fall has arrived. Here in Georgia, that means enjoying the seasonal sights and flavors in shorts and T-shirts while we have mostly highs in the 80's until December. The change in temperature may occur slowly, but the Fall Allergy Triggers don't exactly work on the same schedule. Yes, Fall Allergies are very real and affect millions of Americans every year. For many of us, Fall Allergy Season started weeks ago with the first appearances of ragweed. With that in mind, here are our recommendations for how to deal with your allergies this Fall...

Attack the Mold in Your Home

Mold is everywhere in the Fall. It grows under leaves, outside your home, and under stacks of wood outside. The moisture in the air allows mold to grow inside your home. There are some practical steps you can take to remove and manage the mold this year...

  • Turn on the bathroom fans when you shower.
  • Check and clean moist, dark areas like bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and attics.
  • Keep an eye on and reduce the humidity level in your home.

Avoid Ragweed

This plant is the #1 cause of Fall Allergy Symptoms, and its spores can travel quite far.  While it isn't feasible to completely avoid anything that naturally grows outdoors, there are some things you can do to limit your exposure to Ragweed, like...

  • Shower after spending time outdoors, and always before bed.
  • Wash your hands after petting animals that live or spend time outside.
  • Move outdoor activities indoors when possible.
  • Change your clothes if you've spent a lot of time outside.
  • Keep the windows of your car and the home closed.

Embrace Fall Cleaning

Dust mites are another driver or Fall Allergy Symptoms, and they really thrive in humid weather - which is not great news for us here in the South. To help manage the dust mites and mold spores that pop up in your home this time of year, try regular vacuuming, wash linens and drapes regularly, and be prompt about replacing your air filters.

Watch the Pollen Count

Regularly check the pollen count in your area and minimize time spent outdoors on days when it is particularly bad. Also, planning to do things outside when the pollen count is lower - specifically during the very early hours and late-afternoon/evening hours - will also help mitigate your exposure to pollen. Rainy, humid days and days with less wind are also better for those suffering from seasonal allergies.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, Ashford Clinic can help those located in the Athens/Northeast Georgia area. We offer effective treatment with Allergy Drops. Give us a call to learn more at 706-248-6860.